Milwaukee Birth Story

Heather and Jeremy for years debated having more children - something always felt like it was missing. Last year they decided they wanted to try for one more little one and they were over the moon with excitement when they became pregnant and found out they were having a little girl to add to their duo of boys who are 8 and 10. 

Heather was induced at 37 weeks due to baby’s size. Their baby girl was also a unique case because they found that her umbilical cord only had 2 vessels vs. 3! This usually causes no complications it’s just a really unique phenomenon that happens in only 1% of babies! Heather did so wonderful thoughout her birthing journey. Her husband Jeremy supported her throughout the long induction process. By her bed, Heather had a picture of her mother who passed away when she was a girl. This image brought comfort and encouragement to Heather as she birthed her own daughter into the world. When baby was ready to come Heather only pushed a few times. Evelyn Mary was gently born into her mother's arms and Heather immediately brought her up to her chest. It was one of the most peaceful and calm births I have ever witnessed. 

The Sanders are now a happy family of 5 and feel complete now that they have their sweet Evelyn Mary. Congratulations Sanders family, may your love continue to grow and grow!