home birth

Milwaukee Home VBAC Story

Raisa’s first child was delivered via C-section. After that experience Raisa had the opportunity to see and support other births as a birth photographer. Birth became a passion of hers and as she processed her own birth, she longed for it to be different the second time around with more open lines of communication and more control of her labor. After consulting with an awesome OB and her midwife she decided to try for a home VBAC. Things went incredibly fast and so smooth!

On Sunday February 2nd at 11:32 I got a text from Raisa saying “We are in Labor!” Soon after I talked with Brian on the phone and he said things were quickly progressing and everyone was heading to the house. I jumped in my car and headed over to their home and was feeling a bit hurried knowing I had a 35min drive ahead of me. I was the first person from the birth support team to get there. When I walked in, Raisa and Brian were working together through each contraction beautifully as Raisa powered through each wave. Things seemed quite progressed so before grabbing my camera I helped Raisa get some cold cloths on her head and neck and we walked through a couple of contractions because they were intense. After a few contractions, the midwife Tricia, Raisa’s doula Amy, and Raisa’s friend Rachel also arrived at the home. Raisa kept mentioning how surprised she was at how fast everything was going. After being checked by Tricia we decided we would try and get the tub filled and get some relief before baby came. We began boiling water to get a nice warm tub going for baby and mom. Raisa and Brian decided to have their sweet 25-month-old daughter present for the birth as well. She was such a sweet presence holding space for her mommy and taking in the magic of it all. After doing a couple hours of contractions in the water, Raisa began to push. When baby got close the midwives saw some things in baby’s heart beats that made them want baby to come out sooner rather than later so they transferred mom to the bed to deliver her baby. A few minutes later at 4:08am baby Sam was born and placed on mom’s chest, alert as can be! Raisa and Sam had lots of time to snuggle and connect. Sam met his sister just minutes after being born and the Mnichowicz’s took in the first moments of being a family of four, together.

Raisa and Brian, you did such a beautiful job of bringing your sweet boy into the world. You trusted one another, leaned on one another and surrendered to the process. The faith and love that oozes out of you is beautiful. Your kids are blessed to have you raising them, loving them, and being for them. Blessings to you, Mnichowicz family, as you continue this journey of being for one another and surrendering to love. God has such beautiful plans to use your love to redeem the world!