
Milwaukee Birth Story | The Birth of Rosilyn

Miria called me at 3am on the morning of the July 17th. She told me that she was having regular contractions and was trying to rest. A few hours later the contractions had gotten closer together so Mira's midwife and I headed to her house. I showed up a little bit before the midwife, Erin, got there. Mira was peacefully working through each surge. Once Erin got there, Mira worked through some contractions and Erin checked her. We were still in early labor at 3cm and baby was not in an ideal position. For the next many hours Mira did stairs and worked through many positions to work baby into a good place. Once her contractions got more intense and things moved along Mira labored in and out of the tub, and in the shower. Finally at around the 20 hour mark she laid down and tried to get some rest because she had been stuck at 7cm for a very long time. After resting some, Mira got up and again did stairs and various positions to get baby to come down, but after being stuck at 8cm for 5+ hours we had to transfer to the hospital. Once at the hospital, Mira got an epidural and Pitocin in hopes that her pelvis would relax a bit and we could get some strong contractions to finish out dilation. It worked! After 6 hours at the hospital and some amazing and quick pushing, Rosilyn Mae was born at 11:26am on July 18th. Mira and David didn't know if they were having a boy or girl; the moment they found out that they had a daughter they were filled with such joy! Soon after birth, Rosilyn latched on and Mira began her journey breastfeeding her little one. 

Throughout her entire labor, though it was very long and hard, Mira had a beautiful peace and grace about her. She trusted her body and listened to it well. Even when plans changed and she had to transfer to the hospital, she choose peace and trusted her process. It was a truly a beautiful journey to support as a doula and capture. 

Congratulations Mira, David, and Rosilyn on being a family of three! 

Manhattan KS Birth Story

Aly and Travis are some of our closest friends: Travis was the best man at our wedding and Aly has been a close confidant and friend. We have seen many ups and downs together. A couple years ago, we walked with them as they journeyed through a devastating miscarriage. Our hearts ached for them as they walked through this loss. Months later they became pregnant with their precious rainbow baby; what joy this baby brought with him! Aly asked if I would be her doula and birth photographer and of course I was honored. Travis and Aly now live in Manhattan, Kansas so we went and stayed with them for a couple weeks as they waited and prepared for the birth of their second son, Ryker. It was an amazing blessing to spend so much time with them. Our sons spent every waking moment together and they played like brothers. We had beautiful conversations with one another and grew even deeper in love and affection for each other.

Aly and I spent each day trying a new labor-inducing technique; Aly became a close friend with the birthing ball. Ryker was facing posterior, meaning his face was pointing outward towards Aly's belly. When babies are in this position it can make labor take longer to come on and when it does it can be especially intense. So we spent our time working to get baby to flip into the anterior position. Aly's bag of waters broke at 5am on the morning of June 27th, Ryker's due date! Aly labored at home for a few hours, but since they live a half hour from the hospital we decided to go in, in case things progressed quickly. When we got to the hospital Aly was 5cm dilated. Aly spent about 8 hours at the hospital working though position after position, in and out of the tub. Her contractions were intense and she was stuck in transition at 8cm for most of that time. Eventually Aly was getting really exhausted and she was worried she wouldn't have the strength to push. She decided to get an epidural to help her rest and allow her muscles relax a bit to hopefully finish out her dilation. It worked! Within the hour she was complete and after pushing for 20min her sweet son Ryker was laid on her chest. He was born surrounded by love and joy. Immediately he just made sense in their family; it was hard to imagine the Gilbert family without Ryker. Soon after the birth the older brother, Flynn, came to meet his little brother. He was sweet with him and gentle with his mama. 

It is always an honor to be invited in to capture and assist in the birth of a little one. It is particularly special when I get to be apart of the birth of a family I love so much. Gilbert family, I am so very excited for you guys. You have a lot of love and creativity and I cannot wait to see how God uses it to continue bless humanity and his kingdom. 

The Birth of London

Beka texted me at around midnight on March 10th to let me know that she had begun early stages of labor. At around 4am I headed to the hospital. Beka was 4cm at this point and things were progressing. It was her 3rd so I played it safe and headed to meet her. Around 7am Beka's sister and niece joined us and brought Beka some pancakes to keep her energy up and the time to push drew near. Beka has two boys but felt her whole pregnancy that she was pregnant with a girl. Beka did her best to rest through labor and anticipation as she let her body do what it was meant to do. On the morning of March 11th Beka gave birth to a sweet baby girl, London. 

London was surrounded by love as soon as she entered the world. Not too long after birth Beka's sons came and met their new little sister. They were instantly in love with her and so excited to have a little girl joining their family!  Other family members who also came shortly after the birth to meet sweet London. The room was filled with such affection and joy! 

One thing is for sure, you will never go without love, baby girl. Wishing you a lifetime full of love and beautiful relationships, London!