
The Birth of Henry

When I have a client who is pregnant with their third+ child, I am always on my toes while on call because labor can go very quickly. True to this Christina's third baby came fast, very fast. At 6:19am on February 22nd Christina texted me and told me that she was feeling a little more "crampy" and that she would keep me posted if things progressed. At 6:52am she texted me and told me that she was "definitely feeling contractions" and that she was "trying to rest." At 8:03am I got a text from Rita, Christina's doula, that she was meeting Christina and Dan at the hospital and that is when I knew things had progressed very quickly. I hopped in my car, dropped off my son at the babysitter and rushed to the hospital. I walked in 10 minutes after Christina had gotten there and she was pushing! Christina pushed for a total of 15 Minutes and into the arms of his father, with a shout of "it's a boy!," baby Henry was born at 8:50am weighing 9lbs 8oz and 23in long!

Watching Christina and Dan as they journeyed through her quick labor and then the hours following as they spent time getting to know their newborn son, was truly an honor. Dan spoke words of encouragement and love as Christina, calm and focused, birthed their sweet boy. They are seasoned parents and they seemed completely in their element as they worked in tandem welcoming their son earth-side. The room was filled with a great love and excitement to welcome a son into their family. Christina and Dan, you exude love and your daughters and son are lucky to be loved and parented by you. Wishing you all the best as a family of 5!  

The Birth Of Anneliese

This is the second part to my three part series this week on Mallory's journey into motherhood. Each birth I have had the honor of documenting has been so different and unique to each mother, baby, and couple. Each one has also been so incredibly beautiful and life changing. Every time a baby is born the world changes forever. I feel that reality each time I capture a birth: the gravity of new life. No matter who that baby becomes or what they do, their life will impact the world. The beginning of a life is crazy amazing and the birth of Anneliese was no different. 

Mallory's birth experience was right in line with who she is as a person. It was filled with laughter, peace and joy, so much joy! Mallory and Scott did not know if they were going to be having a boy or a girl. Mallory has two stepsons with Scott and she wanted a sweet girl now to add to the mix of boys. They spent the hours leading up to pushing looking up names and adding new possibilities to their list. The moment the baby was born and they announced it was a girl was an incredibly precious moment! The joy on Mallory and Scott's face was priceless. SO. MUCH. LOVE! Right after Anneliese was born she found warmth and peace on her mama's chest. Within the first hour she was nursing like a champ. 

What a beautiful day it was, the day you joined your parents in this world, Anneliese. You will bring change into this world; it has already begun and continues to be inevitable and unstoppable. My prayer for you is that the impact you create is fueled by a great and powerful love. Blessings to you on the beginning of a great adventure! 

The Birth of Oliver

When I first met Emily she shared with me that all she wanted in life was to carry a child and be a mother. She waited patiently for the right time and right man and now that it has come they have a beautiful son. This is their story. 

On Saturday March 26th at 6:19am I got a text from Emily reading: "MAGGIE!! Just woke up and my water broke!" It was go time. Emily Labored at home for about 8 hours and I met them at Authentic Birth Center in Wauwatosa at 3pm. Emily was so outwardly peaceful though her entire birthing process. I joked with her after her son was born that the most vocal she got was sternly telling her helpers to turn over her cool rag. I say outwardly because if you ask her she explains how she often did not feel like she was being calm. But to all of us we watched as she gracefully breathed through each contraction and steadily progressed. He birth was long, 20 hours total. When we first spoke about what Emily wanted from her birth she said she wanted to be surrounded with support and people that care about her. This is exactly what she had.The whole time she was surrounded by such love. She had two close friends Alissa and Annabel, Alissa's daughters Luna and Zuma, her doula Carolyn, her midwifery team Katy and LaNette, and her husband Jorge. I have never seen a team work together so flawlessly with such love. Throughout the birth, Emily was calmed by water so she spent much of her time in the birthing tub and the shower. Ultimately, she gave birth to precious Oliver very early Easter Sunday morning surrounded by her team. Just as Emily was getting ready to push she sung to her baby to woo him out. She sang the song "Tonight You Belong to Me" under the thousands of lights that mirrored a clear starry night. It was incredibly fitting, beautifully sung, and there was not a dry eye in the room. Oliver was ushered in with great love and beauty, a love that will follow him throughout his life. It was such an honor to witness this story unfold and to work with such beautiful people in such a beautiful place! 

Disclaimer: birth is a raw and beautiful process and there some photos that might be considered a little graphic though for the most part anything sensitive is blocked or blurred.